Saturday, February 14, 2015

LawsuitI have a former girlfriend. We dated for 1.5 yrs. She was a little abusive physically 2 times. Long distance relationship. She lived...



I have a former girlfriend. We dated for 1.5 yrs. She was a little abusive physically 2 times. Long distance relationship. She lived in NY. Last August I visited her, we got into it one night after being out and she got a little physical and I started slapping back and hit her in the nose. Broke her nose. She has had plastic surgery twice on her nose prior to this. She claims she filed a police report. She was a part time model. Not really a career. Says I ruined her career. She is also a stripper & escort. She forced me to stay with her for months threatening to sue me and prosecute me. We since broke up. Had a motorcycle and just sold it for $30k. She wants the money to fix her nose or she has threatened to ruin me by suing me and going back to NY to prosecute. I am tired of being held hostage by her. Does she have a legal and civil case? Should I just give her the money and be done with her? How long does she have legally to prosecute and sue.


Re: Lawsuit

I don't know the statute of limitations for the crime of assault and battery in NY, or the SOL for the delibrate tort of battery in NY. She has two solid cases; the criminal matter to be pursued by the state. She can pursue the tort claim.

You may need a fair piece of that $30K for attorneys.


Re: Lawsuit

Threatening criminal prosecution is a crime and you would need to find out the cost to repair a nose to know what you should pay her; it won't be 30k I don't think. But then again society does tend to punish men more than women in partner abuse cases. Your first mistake was staying with her when the abuse started.

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