Thursday, February 19, 2015

Can child support take money from an injury settlement from workers comp?


Can child support take money from an injury settlement from workers comp?


Child Support can be taken from your net resources as defined in the Texas Family Code.

You can read the TX Family Code which is available on-line for free.

You don't explain how your money was "taken".

If the money was debited out of a checking account, and there was a judgement against you signed by a judge, then yes, the money can be "taken". I suspect that is what you are complaining about

If you have any questions, you need to talk to a family law attorney. In the Houston area, I highly recommend attorney Patricia Bushman at 713-807-9405. I rent space in her law office. I do not work for her. I only rent space in her large office.

Without more information, it is impossible to answer your question more fully.

Good luck.

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