Sunday, January 26, 2014

Alright, I'm a 17 year old who is currently unhappy with their legal guardians (my biological parents). I have no emotional attachments to t...


Alright, I'm a 17 year old who is currently unhappy with their legal guardians (my biological parents). I have no emotional attachments to them in any way, and would like to transfer guardianship to a friend which I consider my real mother, who is willing to be my guardian until I reach the age of majority.

My father and I do not get along. We have never bonded nor have we really been close. He is against my sexual orientation, my religious beliefs, and my life choices.

My mother is aware about my sexual preferences and is blatantly against them, using them as blackmail to keep me in check. She pushes her religion onto me and abuses me emotionally on a near daily basis.

My brother is both physically and mentally abusive, having destroyed my property on multiple occasions and harmed me in other ways.

I'm constantly depressed while living in this household, feeling cut off from the world in the middle of nowhere. I would like to live with my real mother, in Texas, but I don't know if it's legal to adopt me without my biological family's consent.

I also have a vehicle that was purchased with my inheritance money, but was put under my mother's name. Is it possible to have it placed under my name with the adoption?

I've also finished school, if that matters any.


You have the right to be immacipated. If you friend wants to file for your custody, they would probably be successful. As for the inheritance, your parents should have had court approval to spend that money.

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