Sunday, January 25, 2015

My husband and I are fighting and its escalating. I've asked him to go stay with his parents while i stay in the house with the kids until w...


My husband and I are fighting and its escalating. I've asked him to go stay with his parents while i stay in the house with the kids until we can get a separation. He won't leave. What can I do?


If he has physically assaulted you or threatened you to the extent that you have a reasonable fear of harm to yourself or the children, you can go to the District Court of Maryland in your county and file a domestic violence petition. He will be summarily removed by law enforcement pending a court hearing about a week after that where the judge will hear evidence and either sustain the "stay away" for up to a year or rescind it. He will also be ordered to provide support for the children if ordered to stay away.

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