Monday, December 22, 2014

If someone lies during a murder trial at the behest of a now disbarred DA and wants to now tell the truth after 19 years , could they be pro...


If someone lies during a murder trial at the behest of a now disbarred DA and wants to now tell the truth after 19 years , could they be prosecuted? Their testimony helped convict an innocent man who is still in prison. They want to now tell the truth but are afraid of the consequences.


If this occurred in North Carolina, there is no statute of limitations on perjury - meaning it is possible they could be prosecuted and it would be a felony. So basically, if they spill the beans they risk some serious consequences - if they keep quite like worthless liars sometimes do, then a potentially innocent man continues to suffer. There is no question what the right thing to do is the only real question is whether or not the worthless liar has the moral character to do right - my guess would be probably not.

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