Sunday, October 26, 2014

I had scoliosis surgery 10 years ago. I was told of the risks immediately following the surgery (such as infection and so on). Now the verta...


I had scoliosis surgery 10 years ago. I was told of the risks immediately following the surgery (such as infection and so on). Now the vertabrae above and below the rods in my spine and becoming weak from the insertion of the rods. I was never told of the complications in the future. He now refuses to see me because he doesn't take my insurance and I cannot afford what he is asking for a consultation. No other doctor wants to see me and they believe I should also be seeing my surgeon. I know there is a law where you cannot sue after two years and it wouldn't be malpractice. But what I want to know is there anyway I can sue for pain and suffering because of not being informed of the complications that would occur. This has completely ruined my life and it's making it harder and harder to take care of my kids. Please if someone or anyone can help me it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.


There may be some options here despite the running of the medmal 2.5 year Statute of Limitations. You can contact me or another firm handling medical malpractice.

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