Monday, July 21, 2014

Last year I was in a car accident, it left me with my car totalled and hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. I was saving up for a new c...


Last year I was in a car accident, it left me with my car totalled and hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. I was saving up for a new car when a woman that I worked with came to me and explained that her family was having money troubles and would I be interested in taking over her payments. I figured this was a win win since I could get a car even though I had terrible credit, and I could help out a friend. Earlier this week though she called and said that she wanted the car back immediatly and if I didnt give it to her she would report it stolen. I have been paying 260 a month for the last 9 months and put 500 down. I had no choice to give her the car back, can I sue for what Ive put toward the car? There is a contract, and a witness signature.


It depends on what the contract states. Have it reviewed by an attorney.

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