Tuesday, April 22, 2014

is it a models legal right to receive raw, unedited photos taken of them by a photographer? or does the photographer have all of the control...


is it a models legal right to receive raw, unedited photos taken of them by a photographer? or does the photographer have all of the control no matter what? please help. i live in california.


Do you have any agreement with the photographer? That is usually the case. If so that is likely to answer your question. Such agreements usually waive your rights. It is also important to understadn the realtionship. Were you employing the photographer to provide you photos for your use? Did the photographer hire you as a model for photos which were to be used for the photographers purposes? Are you actually concerned about digital modification of the photos>?

Please provide a little more information.


Unless there is an agreement that the model will get raw images, the model would have no right to them. The photographer would be under serious restrictions as to what they can do with the photos without a model release agreement, but photographic images belong to the person who takes them.

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