Tuesday, April 22, 2014

how would i go about righting a constitution and bylaws so that the Inc. I just started can be an official "private club"


how would i go about righting a constitution and bylaws so that the Inc. I just started can be an official "private club"


Based on your question, I am making certain assumptions as to the type of business you are opening...assuming that it relates to the organization or provision of a venue for social interactions, having some elements of a hospitality business (food &/or spirits). If I am even close in the assumptions that I have made, you will want to consult more specifically with an attorney familiar with both hospitality businesses and social clubs. In preparation for such a consultation you should consider whether or not the members of the club will have any managerial authority or in put, whether or not food or alcohol will be made available by the venue to the members or guests at gatherings, where gatherings are going to be held (so any zoning issues can be considered), etc.

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