Thursday, April 23, 2015

My wife wants to divorce me, we got married according to Muslim law in which husband has to give her some money specified on marriage certif...


My wife wants to divorce me, we got married according to Muslim law in which husband has to give her some money specified on marriage certificate in case he wants to divorce her wife and I wrote $50000.00. But we called a pastor from church to register our marriage in USA with no money contracted. My question is: if we divorce then how much money she could collect when we don't have any kids. How much hardships I could face at the end of this marriage that she threatens me a permanent support I will have to pay. A year ago I got green card on the basis of this marriage.


I suggest you sit down with an attorney and discuss everything. Call me anytime at 732/773/2768 to discuss.


This is an unusual situation, and I would have to research it. I have never heard of a Muslim marriage contract like this, and I have no idea if the Judge would enforce it. There are a LOT of reasons why it should not be enforced in this country.

But you clearly need some help from a lawyer.

Give me a call, make an appointment to come see me, and let's get moving on this for you. No charge for the first office visit.

I know people worry about how expensive a lawyer is, so I am careful to be as inexpensive as I can for my clients. Before you spend a dime, you will know how much this is likely to be.

Robert Davies, Esq. 201-820-3460

The Davies Law Firm, P.A.

45 Essex Street, Suite 3 West

Hackensack New Jersey 07601

Phone: 201-820-3459

Fax: 201-820-3461

Email: [email protected]/* */


For more information on family law and divorce, see my website:

Please keep in mind that my response is just a general comment on your question, and not legal advice. Your question and any response does NOT create an attorney-client relationship between you and this law firm. The exact details of your situation and things that you have not mentioned in your question can completely change the response I gave. You can not rely upon what I have written, because I do not have all of the information that I need to advise you, I only have the very small amount of information that you put into your question. To get legal advice that you can rely on and use, please contact me directly. I would be happy to assist you.

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