Monday, November 17, 2014

What is the minimum stopping distance for a car?

What is the minimum stopping distance for a car?
It depends on many variables, vehicle type, it's weight, tires, weather, road material( gravel, blacktop, concrete, driver reaction time. A good general rule of thumb is to leave 1 1/2-2 car lengths per 10mphs. An example: 9-12 car lengths at 60 mph. It might seam like alot but at that speed you travelling 88 ft/sec. The average family sedan requires 130ft to stop from 60mph(the average sedan being 16ft +/- =8.1 length leaving 12ft to spare). That is assuming you brake instantly, the 2 car lengths would give you a "1/2 a second" to react, which I think everyone would say it's much. With bad weather rain,snow,fog that should double or triple.

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