Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Why would your car stop running while it was being driven?

Why would your car stop running while it was being driven?
There are few reasons:1. you ran out of gas2. your electrical system had shorted and terminated supply, hence, incomplete combustion3. air supply is blocked due to dirty filter or some unforseen mechanical problem4. radiator or water pump burst which brings the engine to overheat5. ran out of oil and engine went overheat6. non maintenance of engine can eventually cause sudden lock especially the engine block's pistons.Not to mention the breakage in transmission, gears, shifters.. there are many possibilities.#2 answ: There is also an electrical ignition switch (I don't remember the technical term) that can go out and you will have a devil of time finding someone who can identify that particular reason as the culprit. I had a Bronco II that would run great and would just die. Took it to 5 different shops, they ran diagnostics, etc. Couldn't find anything wrong. Went to some hole in the wall shop and the kid new what it was. Said when it goes out it acts like a kill switch. Replaced it for about $60 bucks and it ran great. Just a thought.

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