Monday, February 17, 2014

I was hurt at work and at the time I was the only employee. The company was hanging by a very thin thread and had not been paying the worker...


I was hurt at work and at the time I was the only employee. The company was hanging by a very thin thread and had not been paying the workers comp. They asked me not to file the workers comp claim, that they would pay for it. I'd did not file trying to help them, they never paid my medical bills. I was turned into collections. They are out of business and I have since filed my claim and the state paid my med. bills. Do i have a case in the sense that they soiled my good name and hurt my excellent credit rating? I lost the tip of my finger and got nothing but heartache and a black mark on my credit rating and good name.


No you do not have a case against your former employer. Your only remedy is the workers comp case. Rest assured the Ohio Attorney General will sue the former owners of the company for the amounts paid to you. Plus, you said the company doesn't exist anymore so there wouldn't be a company to sue.

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