Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Every other day my delivery truck is hit with Graffitti. it has been going on for a few years...I call the city but they say they don't have...


Every other day my delivery truck is hit with Graffitti. it has been going on for a few years...I call the city but they say they don't have man power to do anything about it....Could I sue the city for not doing anything about it, because they won't let me do anything about it. by pulling a gun on them or beating them with a bat.....I am very frustrated.....Thank you Craig


It is not the city that is preventing you from committing a violent crime, it is centuries of common law wisdom that both England and the US accept. You can not sue the City for its decision as to how it will spend its money; can you imagine what would happen if anyone could sue because they did not like the decisions made by city employees?

You have to do something like finding a more secure place to park your vehicle, putting a tarp over that is difficult to remove, setting up hidden cameras to record who is doing the crimes so you can take the photos to the police, setting up security lights that will go on if the truck is touched or someone comes within a certain distance, etc..

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